Bunion on a Womans FootBunions are a common foot condition that can cause discomfort and pain and change your quality of life. While bunions are a common condition, your bunions are unique. They may keep you from your daily activities, exercise, and sports games. Our experienced St. John’s County podiatrists are here to help you get back to the way things were before you experienced foot pain.

What Is a Bunion?

A bunion, clinically known as hallux valgus, refers to a bony prominence that forms on the side of the foot, specifically at the base of the big toe. It is characterized by the misalignment of the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joint, causing the big toe to deviate towards the other toes. If your bunion becomes severe, your big toe may overlap with your second toe.

Bunions form for a variety of reasons. You may be more likely to develop a bunion if one or more of the following applies to you:

  • Your foot shape puts excessive pressure on your big toe joint
  • Your shoes don’t fit well and constrict your toes
  • You suffer an injury that destabilizes your big toe joint
  • You have another condition, such as hammer toes or arthritis

Regardless of why your bunion develops, it’s critical to understand what symptoms to watch for and what to do if you develop a bunion.

Five Bunions Symptoms to Watch For

Recognizing the symptoms of a bunion is essential for early detection and appropriate treatment. Some of the bunion symptoms you may experience include:

  • A visible change in your foot. You may notice a protrusion on the side of the foot near the base of the big toe. The bony bump may gradually become more prominent over time.
  • Pain or discomfort. Bunions can cause persistent pain and discomfort, particularly during weight-bearing activities such as walking, running, or participating in sports. The pain may range from mild to severe and can be accompanied by a dull ache, soreness, or throbbing sensation.
  • Swelling and inflammation. Bunions can cause localized swelling and inflammation due to the constant irritation and pressure exerted on the affected area. The skin around the bunion may appear red, tender, and warm to the touch.
  • A limited range of motion. As a bunion progresses, the deviation of the big toe can restrict its range of motion. This limitation may impede athletic performance and hinder activities that require agility and proper foot movement.
  • Secondary foot problems. A bunion can cause misalignment of the big toe, which can cause excessive pressure and friction when you wear shoes. As a result, corns and calluses may form.

If you experience any of these bunion symptoms, an experienced podiatrist may help you recover and get back to your regular activities without bunion pain.

Is It Time to Contact a Podiatrist for Bunion Pain?

You don’t want to wait to see if your bunion will go away on its own or if your home remedies are working. Instead, Dr. Amanda and Dr. Drew can:

  • Accurately diagnose your foot condition. We can accurately diagnose bunions by conducting a thorough physical examination, reviewing your medical history, and considering any additional imaging studies, if necessary.
  • Recommend and implement a personalized treatment plan. We will recommend treatment options that are right for the severity of the bunion and your activity level. Treatment options may include non-surgical interventions such as footwear modifications, orthotics, padding, physical therapy, and surgical interventions for severe cases. Our tailored treatment plans aim to alleviate pain, restore function, and allow you to resume your active lifestyle as soon as possible.
  • Prevent additional foot complications. Prompt treatment by a podiatrist can prevent the progression of bunions and minimize the risk of developing secondary complications such as hammer toes, bursitis, or arthritis. By addressing the underlying causes and implementing appropriate treatment strategies, we can help you regain optimal foot health and prevent long-term damage.
  • Get you active again. Our goal is to get you back to achieving your goals without foot pain slowing you down.