Arches help determine which type of foot you have. Your foot type impacts everything from how you run to which shoes you should buy to common foot conditions that might affect you. The podiatric physicians at North Florida Foot & Ankle Center recommend the wet foot test to determine what kind of arch you have. This simple and painless test will tell you whether you have high arches, mid-height (normal) arches or flat arches.

The Wet Foot Test

  • Lay a paper bag, cardboard or construction paper flat on the ground. Tip: Use something that is not white since your foot’s outline will not show up well on a white background.
  • Wet one foot at a time and step on the material.
  • Make sure to test both feet because the arches can be different on each individual foot.
  • Compare your footprint with the diagram below.


North Florida Foot & Ankle Center is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and until 7:00 p.m. on Tuesdays for your convenience. Visit to learn more about their services, location and to make an appointment to discuss the results of your test or any other matter concerning your foot and ankle health.

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